Need to find out where your spouse has been spending their time? Have they not been entirely honest with you? If you have reason to suspect they are involved in something (or with someone), give us a call.
From background checks on prospective or current employees to investigating fraud and surveillance. Allow Upper Valley Investigative Services to uncover fraud while keeping everything confidential.
Allow our team to provide fact-finding investigations and help secure evidence for your most important cases. We’ll secure the audio, video, or physical evidence that will assure you win your case.
- Sometimes the most difficult evidence to acquire is first-person testimony. In their own words, the suspect or person of interest describes the crime, recorded on audio or video by one of our agents. In Ohio, only one person has to know their conversation is being recorded. Our investigators invite them to open up and share what they did in their own words on a fully admissible recording. If your case is light on evidence, this really is a great way to nail that win. Ohio Rev. Code § 2933.52
- Maybe our investigators don’t feel like the person of interest will open up and share with them about the crime. That’s when recording third-person testimonies become valuable. We’ve had suspects who have evaded the law for decades yet will “spill the tea” about what they did to a favorite bartender or family member they can trust. We capture the evidence and provide it to attorneys who will present it in court.
- Hundreds? Thousands of pages? You may have banker’s boxes full of medical, financial, or tax documents but have no idea if any of the documents hold the information you need to support your theory. Our team will pour over the documents, looking for the hidden bits that you need to identify exactly what happened and by whom.
- You’d be surprised how much doesn’t get covered in a standard background check. Often checks are run by a single agency with a scope of a single county. So, as long as that person didn’t commit a crime in the county they intend to work, they will come up clear. Not so with our background checks. Our team combines state, federal, and international records to piece together the whole story of an individual or company.
- We are specially trained in investigations that often require undercover work and gathering evidence from various sources. With our experience in criminal justice, we can quickly identify suspicious activities and behaviors, which can help you identify exactly what happened and by whom. With the evidence gathered from our investigations, we can provide solid proof of wrongdoings or clear a person or company from suspicions.
- On-site surveillance
- Video camera surveillance
- Vehicle and device trackers
- Hidden mics and recording
- Private security feeds

U.S. Coast Guard Artic Service Medal

U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year

Montgomery County Police Chiefs Association, Officer of the year

City of Union Police Department Officer of the Year